So last night we were sitting in the house and for some reason I wanted to go outside for a while instead of put Painter to bed. We took him to the swing and did that for a while and I kept getting this feeling that something was going to happen and we needed to go inside but I just brushed it off! Well Painter was walking around and started to cry and I got the sickest feeling in my guts! He kept grabing and rubbing at his face and I knew he had got stung. Right on his lip too! OUCH! So we took him in and I called the Doctor because it was swelling really bad, and I did not know if he was allergic, we hopped in the car and sped to broulims to get some benadryl! At first just his lip was big, it looked like a blister, all white and gooie looking, then it spread to his cheek and jaw. The crease that is usually between your mouth and cheek was not there he was so swollen but after we got the medicine in him it started to go down alot!

His lip stuck out so much!

You can see in this one how his lip looks like a blister!

After the medicine, the swelling has gone down a ton!

This morning the swelling went from his lip to his eye! It was pretty much close when he first woke up!

We are pretty luck that he was not allergic or that it did not get his tongue because the sting was less than and inch from his tonuge and he already has tongue problems and it would have swollen like his face and he would have not been able to breath! But we are counting out blessing and we are lucky! It was quite the night!
Oh my gosh! That looks so painful! Poor little guy. I'm so glad the medicine worked!
That is so sad! I cant believe how swollen his lip and face was. Poor kid, I hope he is doing better!
POOR PAINTER, that looks so painful. His poor little face. That swole up HUGE! That's so sad, I'm glad it wasn't worse - althought that looks pretty bad! I can't wait to hug him tomorrow!
That did not look fun!! for you or painter! it is scary when things happen to your kids and you can't do anything to fix it or prevent it! You are a great mom! Give him a hug from us!
Oh my goodness poor little man, That is so sad! I just want to give him a hug! I am glad that he was okay!! :( that looks so terrible!
Holy Cow! you weren't kidding. Poor little guy! I bet he was wondering what the heck was going on.
It's interesting what promptings a mother gets, isn't it? Hope he's doing better now!
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