In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
-Albert Schweitzer

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So here we go.. For those of you who have been wondering what is going on with Painter. Here is the readers digest version!
When he was born he had a bigger tongue and also a "birth mark/ hemangioma" on his lip. Well we have been going to doctors for quite some time now trying to figure out what is is exactly. Well on Feb. 4Th we went and saw Dr. Rope down at Primary Children's. He is an amazing doctor, after sitting on the floor and playing with Painter he told us what direction we needed to go. So yesterday Feb. 24 we went and saw Dr. Grimmer who is a otolayngologist... Ear nose and throat specialist. He told us that Painter does not have a Hemangioma but that it is a Venous Malformation on his lip which in short, when he was born the veins in his lip malformed and caused that. The only treatment is when he is older we can have it lazered to remove the color maybe but nothing else really. His tongue is a Lymphatic Malformation, which is the same that when he was born the lymph vessels in his body malformed in his lip and cause it to be bigger. Also on his tongue he will get these white lumps/bumps on it and the doctor said that he can cause pain and bleed, which they do, He said to treat those that they take a razor and skim them off which will cause scars so that they will not grow back. He also said that if he gets sick or anything like that, that it can cause his tongue to swell more, which can inhibit his breathing and eating and so forth. So to be careful about that! He said that it is something we need to watch cause he snores and that means that is can cause breathing problems. He also was very sure that we knew that Painter is more of a minor case and that there are way worse out there, which is Wonderful to hear!! So ... we go back down on the 5Th of March, next Thursday for an MRI to find out what we are dealing with as far as size and if there are more internal ones in his head and throat. And then the doctor wants to see him again in 6 months and then we will do visits from there on out.
I need to say that as much worry as goes in to your children it is also a blessing to have some where to go and get answers and what a blessing it is to have people who can tell you what to do and where to go from there!
We are so Blessed that it is not as bad as some! Sure there are tons of worries that I have for him! Will it swell more like they say it can? Will more people say rude things about it? Will the kids at school be mean and tease him( which they will and the momma bear will come out!)? Will girls look at him different? Will he feel insecure about it? All i know is that we are lucky to have such a cute fun kid and that we will love him no matter what! He really is such a perfect child to us. I am SO glad to finally know what we are dealing with and that is really is a minor case!


JC Photography said...

YES we do need to go get pedicures!!!! We've had a hard time lately - haven't we.
I was talking to mom about Painter and I decided that the reason that little soul is blessed with an UNBELIEVABLY high pain tolerance may be Heavenly Father's way of giving him the strength to endure all the trials that come with his lip/tounge. He's so tough it's absolutely shocking. Love you guys!

Jarae said...

Wow you guys sure have had a lot to go through lately. I don't even know what to say besides I hope everything turns out okay. Painter is such a cutie. Good luck with everything.

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Wow, I had no idea he was born with this. I am glad that you were able to go and get some help from doctors. I hope that everything turns out ok with him!

Brian and Krista said...

That right there is what causes gray hair! I can't even imagine the stress you have been going through. I'm glad to hear its a mild case. Being a mom you'll never ever stop worrying about your kids. It just comes with the job;)But the good thing is that we've been brought up in amazing families and we know how to go about dealing with the stress and the trials in life.

On another note, how is the pregnancy going? have you been sick at all? Does Painter understand whats going on?!

*. Th3 BoW3n FamiLy.* said...

my dear I am sorry to hear about your worries... but as you said it is great for the blessing of having him in your life, we sure will keep all of you in our prayers and know that whatever happens the Lord is here to carry us and comfort us in hard times!... anyway, He will be a strong little boy and a strong young man, he sure it a cutie!! You guys have done well!!! How are you feeling other then that stress?? Hope you are feeling well and the little girl is doing well ! love you guys and hope you keep your chin up!

Adam,Emily, Paisley, Hayden, and Landon said...

All I have to say is Painter is the cutest boy ever, honestly I would be more worried about all the ladies wanting your adorable little boy! :D good luck with everything, you are so positive! Hope to see you guys for lunch soon!