In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
-Albert Schweitzer

Friday, June 5, 2009

Good News

So I had one of my doctor appointments today. In talking to my midwife she said it was up to me if I would like to be checked today or not. I said sure, nothing is probably going on but why not! So she checked me and good news I am dilated to a 3 and 70% effaced, which totally surprised me! We scheduled me to be started on the 17, and if I decide not to I can just cancel it, but I must say it is nice to see an end in sight! So now the real fun begins, acupressure, walking at high rates of speed for a prego women, heavy cleaning, making bread(kneading it works for some), and all those other things to help get me going! Sure I could sit at a 3 for the next 18 days or I could go in the next few day!~An answer to prayer!~ Either way it was a good day at the doctor to know that we are moving in a direction! It does explain the 3-4 hours of "contractions/ braxton hicks" I have been having every morning for the last while! All I can say is I am SUPER HAPPY!


Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love ya tons....thanks for the fun's always so nice to get out and laugh.......

Annie Allen said...

It's soooo nice when the end is in sight!! Good luck. I hope all the bread making, etc work quickly.

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Congratulations! I hope everything goes well for you in the next couple of weeks!

Brian and Krista said...

WAHOO!!! I'm so excited for you!!

JC Photography said...

Can't wait to meet sweet Lily Mae. We are anxiously awaiting her arrival. You should let Painter come stay with us while you deliver, we'd love to have him!

VALERIE said...

That is great good luck!


How exciting I am a little late you probably have had the baby. Well hopefully that would be wonderful. Good Luck!