In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
-Albert Schweitzer

Monday, June 9, 2008


Clark brought home a FREE swing set today and P-Man already loves it! When we went walking outside he goes "whas tad"(whats
that) We just have to get some swings for it, it only has a slide and that two man swing! Fun though, I love when clark has jobs that the people and going to get rid of things and we get them, such as trees, a fence, and a swing set!
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Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

How exciting. Well be over to play one day. Okey dokey!!!

cortney and neil said...

I am so jealous. I just want a yard.

JC Photography said...

Looks awesome!!!! That's a great find! Good job Clarkie! Your yard is looking good. We'll have to come see it sometime.

Yeehaw said...

My husband brings home drop horns, yours brings home swingsets... see; men really would make good garage-salers. :-)

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Wow Sarah, you have a gorgeous house! The swing set looks like an excellent addition... just needs a coat of paint:)!