We went into the hospital at 8ish on June 17th and they started me on PIT, and I was at a 3. My midwife broke my water at 12:30 and I was at a 3, then at 1:30 I FINALLY got my epidural, and I felt like i needed to push and I was at a 7, then about ten minute later I said I really am feeling pressure and I was at a 9, they called my midwife back she got there about 2:45- 3:00 and I had Lily at 3:13! She was 7Lbs 4oz and was 19 inches long! I pushed for maybe 10 minutes! It was wonderful! She was posterior, which made my hips go all wacky after and it bruised her face alittle but other than that it was great! She is such a GOOD BABY! She wakes up one to two times a night and only fusses when she is hungry or has a bubble in her belly! We are lucky to have her and Painter is finally getting use to the thought of someone stealing his thunder! She was one month old yesterday and we have LOVED every minute!
Laying under the heat lamp!
Right after she was born they put her in my gown with me and I held and nursed her for about an hour and then they took and bathed her! That was a great experience!
One proud daddy!
Our great nurse and Lily after her bath!